Scientists have captured images of a supermassive black hole spewing out a powerful jet of material for the first time ever.

These jets extend far beyond their galaxies, and their behavior has left scientists baffled for years.

The new images were obtained using radio light emitted at a longer wavelength, making the jet visible.

The black hole in question is located in the M87 galaxy, which is 55 million light-years away from Earth.

The images mark the first time scientists have seen this behavior in one image, and they also show the first picture of a black hole's "shadow."

Black holes are known for their ability to consume matter, but they also shoot out material in the form of powerful jets that can extend way beyond their galaxies.

The breakthrough images show the base of a jet connected to the swirling black hole that gave birth to it.

Scientists hope that these images will allow them to better understand how these jets are formed, as the process remains largely mysterious.

The researchers plan to continue their study of the region to unravel the secrets of how these jets are formed, taking us one step closer to understanding the mysterious workings of the universe.

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