The Hakuto-R lunar lander captured a breathtaking photo of Earth before its apparent crash landing on the moon.

The image shows Earth on top of the lunar horizon during a total solar eclipse, with Australia under the moon's shadow.

The Hakuto-R mission was part of ispace's Mission 1, aimed at commercial space exploration.

The mission was unsuccessful in landing the craft on the moon due to losing contact during descent.

The founder and CEO of ispace, Takeshi Hakamada, made a live broadcast acknowledging the failed landing.

Analysis suggests that Hakuto-R ran out of propellant to slow its descent, leading to the crash landing.

Other private space ventures have also experienced similar crashes while attempting to land on the moon.

Despite the failure, the Hakuto-R mission provided valuable data for future lunar missions.

ispace has plans for two more moon missions in the coming years, indicating a continued interest in commercial space exploration.

Breaking: Japanese Lunar Lander Loses Contact with Ground Control