The EU proposed rules to govern AI, but didn't address general purpose AI like chatbots.

ChatGPT's release sparked concerns about AI and prompted EU lawmakers to add language on general AI systems to their legislation.

The EU's AI Act could become a global standard for regulating AI.

Regulators worldwide are grappling with how to ensure AI improves people's lives without threatening their rights or safety.

The EU's regulations will cover any provider of AI services or products.

Tech leaders including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak have called for a pause to consider the risks of AI.

OpenAI's CEO plans to talk about the technology with users and developers on a world tour.

The EU's AI Act would require disclosure of copyrighted material used to train foundation AI models.

Officials drawing up AI regulations must balance risks with benefits.

Big tech companies are seeking to limit the reach of regulators while civil society groups are pushing for more accountability.

10 AI Tools to Enhance Work Efficiency: Productivity Boosters.