The world's largest butterfly tree of life helps determine the origin of butterflies 100 million years ago 

Some moths transitioned to daytime activity during the age of dinosaurs, taking advantage of flower nectar.

Researchers uncovered the evolutionary turning point for all butterfly species in 2019.

A global team of scientists collected DNA from nearly 2,300 butterfly species worldwide.

Supercomputers were used to process data on feeding habits and migrations of butterfly species.

The study revealed that butterflies originated in North and Central America.

Understanding butterfly populations and species is crucial for conservation efforts due to climate change.

Rare butterfly fossils provided genetic markers for critical events in butterfly evolution.

Butterfly DNA reveals global migrations and the impact of continental shifts.

The study also highlights the importance of studying plants that butterflies rely on for survival. 

Rare butterfly fossils and DNA analysis reveal global migrations and origin in North America, aiding conservation efforts in the face of climate change. #ButterflyEvolution

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