Airwallex is expanding to Israel and plans to open an office there this week.

The company aims to expand across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa in 2023.

Airwallex is a global payments firm founded in Australia.

The company already serves several Israeli businesses.

Or Liban will head the company's Israel operations.

Israel's high-tech ecosystem was a main factor in the company's decision to expand to Tel Aviv.

Airwallex is looking for startups to acquire in the fields of cyber security, fraud detection, and threat prevention.

The company is valued at $5.5 billion.

Airwallex has raised $900 million from various investors, including Salesforce Ventures and Tencent.

The company processes more than $50 billion in transactions per year.

Airwallex expands to Israel, opening an office in Tel Aviv. Plans to expand globally and acquire startups in cyber security, fraud, and threat prevention.

Ultraluminous X-ray sources are objects that shine 10 million times brighter than the sun.