Regulators are relying on existing laws to control powerful artificial intelligence services like ChatGPT, which could disrupt societies and businesses.

The European Union is leading the development of new AI rules to address privacy and safety concerns associated with generative AI technology.

Enforcement of the legislation will take several years.

Governments apply existing rules, such as data protection laws, to protect personal data and ensure safety.

European privacy watchdogs formed a task force to address issues with ChatGPT and enforce GDPR compliance.

Data protection authorities in France and Spain launched probes into OpenAI's compliance with privacy laws.

Regulators aim to apply existing rules covering copyright, data privacy, and the data fed into AI models and the content they produce.

EU proposals will require companies like OpenAI to disclose copyrighted material used to train their models, potentially leading to legal challenges.

Regulators are exploring creative interpretations of existing laws to address AI bias and discrimination claims.

Industry insiders urge greater engagement between regulators and companies to strike a balance between consumer protection and business growth.

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