New butterfly species named after 'Lord of the Rings' villain Sauron by scientists.

Here are 10 AI-based apps and browser extensions that can boost productivity. Grammarly, RescueTime, Trello,, Forest, Focus@Will ,, Zoom, Todoist , Notion

Tome can create PowerPoint presentations quickly with options to add 3D renderings, live content, or video narrations.

Fireflies AI can take notes and transcribe meetings, showing speech analytics such as speaking time and questions asked.

Remail can draft email responses in the same style and tone as previous conversations.

Wordtune Read can summarize lengthy reports, articles, and other text. can extract relevant information from large data sets and create spreadsheets.

Other AI tools can help with scheduling, team collaboration, and project management.

AI tools like ChatGPT can help workers in various industries improve their efficiency.

Employees should be cautious when using AI tools, as they may be prone to misinformation and may remove the human touch from tasks.

New butterfly species named after 'Lord of the Rings' villain Sauron by scientists.